Sleepease Hero


Project Overview

Voice Prototyping
UX Research
Our focus on sleep was prompted by the fact that it's an issue that affects a vast majority of people. Despite the well-known benefits of sleep, it remains a challenge for many to get the recommended amount of quality sleep each night. With this in mind, we set out to create a mobile app that would provide users with personalized recommendations and tools to help them achieve their sleep goals.


We set out to conduct research, ideate and then build a functioning porotype to showcase our app. This included both quantitative & qualitative user research, low & high fidelity prototyping in figma within a collaborative work among group of 6.

Tools used


My Role

Product Design
Voice Prototyping
User Interviews


The time for this project was limited to 1 month. Another constraint was creating a voice prototype. There is lack of refined voice prototyping tools to select from to build our voice prototype.

Problem Statement

"Stressed sleep seekers need to get adequate sleep because they are struggling to have a well rested mind and body."

Our Solution

Sleepease is a AI integrated app aiming to enable our users in achieving a good night's sleep. We incorporated different "sleep aiding methods" which can be accessed with touch as well as voice interface through our Sleep Companion feature. Some other exclusive features include:
  • Voice enable interface
  • Daily sleep analysis
  • AI integrated diagnosis
  • Medically proven sleep aids
  • Sleep mode for phone
  • Bedtime routine reminders/ notifications
  • Audio guides
left arrow icon
Play the demo for the voice prototype built using Protopie.

Design Process






Sleep Solutions
Feature mapping



IA (site-map)



Figma Prototype
Voice Prototyping

Phase: 1    Research

We conducted a user survey and user interviews to understand the sleeping habits of users. The results of the research were used to draw conclusions about sleep hygiene within the population, and to make recommendations for improving sleep habits and addressing sleep-related issues.

Quantitative Research

We created a survey on sleep habits of users to gain quantitative data for our research. The results of the survey are below.
pie chart 1

Do you intentionally delay sleep?

pie chart 2

Do you follow a routine before going to bed?

pie chart 3

What kind of thoughts do you have at bedtime?

pie chart 4

Do you use electronics before bed?

Qualitative Research

After careful consideration and collaboration, we were able to formulate set of questions that we believed will provide us with valuable insights about our target audience's sleep quality and duration.

qualitative questions

6 out of 6

Lack of awareness about sleep hygiene and a wind down routine

5 out of 6

Are unhappy with the quality & quantity of sleep they are getting right now

6 out of 6

Believes stress impacts their sleep quality and duration

5 out of 6

Fear getting distracted while using sleep apps before sleeping

4 out of 6

Used technology before sleeping to have some "me-time"

5 out of 6

Have used sleep apps before but find sleep tracking counter productive


Based on the insights we created a proto-persona to better align our ideate and design stages.
Leslie Chambers
  • Age: 28
  • Education: Masters
  • Hometown: Kitchener, ON
  • Family: 2 people, Married
  • Occupation: Manager
Family Oriented
Career Focused

" I am Stressed about work, which causes me to worry bout the next day and interferes with my sleep routine."

  • To reduce her anxiety & stress before going to bed
  • Increase her sleep duration
  • Reduce her daily screen time
  • Develop healthy sleeping habits
  • Trouble falling asleep on time
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Worried about domestic chores
  • Feeling stressed and anxious because of her work
  • To feel refreshed in the morning
  • Ensure her body is getting enough sleep
  • Avoid day time fatigue
  • Be more involved in her work as well as personal life
Patterns & Behaviour
  • Enjoys over-sleeping on weekends
  • Uses phone to scroll social media before going to bed
  • Occasionally listens to the radio to fall asleep

Insights from Health Professionals

We reached out and interviewed various health professionals who specialize in sleep psychology. Their experience gave us concrete information on various issues faced by their patients.

0 1

One solution does not fit everyone, everyday. The solutions have to be provided based on how they feel on that particular day.

0 2

Overuse of technology before bedtime have a negative impacts on the quality of sleep of an individual.

0 3

JPMR is a proven method of feeling relaxed. It aids in relieving stress from body and mind and helps in better sleep quality.

0 4

Having a healthy and consistent wind down routine helps one sleep better and create consistency.

0 5

Auditory reminders to follow sleep hygiene as it helps in winding down after a busy day.

0 6

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination is found in younger generation because of busy schedules throughout the day and no personal time.

Understanding Sleep Issues

Based on our user research & interviews of health professionals, we identified and classified the major Sleep Related Issues.
revenge bed time

Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

The decision to put off going to bed due to stress or lack of free time earlier in the day is referred to as revenge bedtime procrastination. This is mostly seen in young adults after over-working or a busy day and then sacrificing their sleep for some "me-time".


Stress Induced Insomnia

A condition where a person has trouble falling or staying asleep as a result of stress or worry. This leads to the user overthinking and avoiding sleep.
This condition can manifest as prolonged periods of lying awake in bed, struggling to silence the mind and attain restful sleep.

noisy environment

Noisy Environment

An atmosphere that is noisy makes it difficult to concentrate or unwind. Usually loud and obtrusive sounds like traffic passing nearby or some noises as little as noise caused by a running AC can cause difficulty falling asleep, preventing rest to mind and body.

physical exhaustion

Physical Exhaustion

An extremely worn-out or uncomfortable state brought on by long-term physical exertion, disease or a very physically active day.
Often times users tend to eat painkillers which if done on a regular bases causes more problems than it solves.



Anxiety, which happens when we incessantly worry about things, can make us feel uneasy, especially when we're thinking about what might happen in the future. This can make it hard to relax and fall asleep at bedtime. This affects people from all generations.

Phase: 2    Ideate

Following our research phase, we meticulously analyzed the data and engaged in collaborative ideation sessions to craft solutions aligned with our problem statement. Employing various ideation exercises, we generated a spectrum of solutions, subsequently prioritizing features prior to start of the design phase.

Sleep Aiding Methods

During our ideation phase, we brainstormed various ways to address the sleep issues identified earlier within a mobile environment.

Breathing Exercises

Offers various soundscapes including ocean waves, rain, forests, birds, white noise, binaural beats, and ASMR sounds.
bedtime stories

Bed-time Stories

Listening to stories reduces stress levels by 68%, aiding bodily relaxation and sleep preparation.


Relaxes the mind, calms the body, reduces stress, and improves relaxation for better sleep.


Enhances sleep by lowering tension, anxiety, and promoting emotional release before bed.

JPMR Technique

Audio-guided meditation program combining music, guidance, and imagery for relaxation and sleep improvement.
sound therapy

Sound Therapy

Focus on breathing aids better sleep by reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation.
Feature mapping

Crazy 8s

  • Each team member participated in an eight-minute brainstorming session, generating eight quick sketches.
  • This structured approach facilitated rapid ideation and exploration of potential solutions for sleep-related challenges.
  • Through open dialogue and constructive feedback, we collectively evaluated all options.
  • Following the brainstorming phase, a collaborative voting process was employed to select the most promising ideas & features.

Feature mapping

  • Employed the MOSCOW method for feature mapping, categorizing features by their priority.
  • Evaluated features to determine their inclusion in the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) for the app.
  • The "Must Have" and "Should Have" features served as a guidelines for the first iteration. Meanwhile, the "Could Have" features served as future roadmap for our app.
feature mapping

Forming a Solution

0 1

Daily sleep issue diagnoses since everyday is different and hence the same sleep solutions or recommendations can't work everyday.

0 2

Voice Based Solutions is an important aspect to reduce exposure to blue light and reducing distractions before sleep.

0 3

Having a dedicated sleep mode which puts the phone on DND and ban notifications (may include app locks to aid in wind down routine).

Phase: 3    Design

Transitioning from the ideation phase, we ventured into the design phase, where we meticulously crafted the blueprint for our solution. This involved structuring the information architecture, refining solution aids, establishing a cohesive design system, and translating concepts into tangible wireframes & mockups.

Information Architecture

  • We created a simple sign up and on-boarding process capturing sleep preferences of our users.
  • The Sleep Companion (AI Bot) being our exclusive feature was given a quick access from the bottom navigation for ease of use.
  • Discover section provides an opportunity for the users to search and select guides, music, bed-time stories, etc, that they would like to be recommended by the Sleep Companion.  
Information architecture
AI workflowAI database

Working of the Sleep Companion
(AI Bot)

  • The Empathy Engine works on the inputs provided by the user to do a soft classification of the issue faced by the user.
  • We created a small database of people's action and feelings before bedtime.
  • The AI engine recognizes the keywords used along with the actions done by the user throughout the day to recommend Sleep Aiding Methods.
  • As of now, the bot cannot detect tone of the user's voice but will be added in future.

Solution mapping

  • After exploring multiple options, we narrowed down our focus to six solutions deemed most effective for aiding sleep through a mobile interface.
  • The Sleep Aiding Methods were mapped with the Sleep Issues which will be recommended by the AI bot based on our research.
  • Sleep Aiding methods will be specifically audio interface optimized to reduce the user's interaction with their phones.
solution mapping


Next up we created wireframes based on our IA, these served as a base for our Hi-Fidelity mockups.
sleepease wireframes

Hi-Fidelity Mockups

Mockups were created to present the feel of the finished product to get user feedback for continuous improvement. We created a design system which was used as a base for developing our Hi-Fidelity mockups.
sleepease hifi

Phase 4:    Prototyping

Figma Prototype

  • Developed a functioning prototype to demonstrate the app's features and functionality.
  • Minimized the use of extensive transitions to avoid engaging the user's thoughts at night, prioritizing a seamless and distraction-free user experience.
  • This approach aimed to promote relaxation and facilitate the user's transition into sleep without unnecessary interruptions.
left arrow icon
Click to explore the prototype.

Voice Prototyping

For voice prototyping, we utilized Protopie's advanced voice-enabled prototyping capabilities. Within the prototype, we incorporated prompts to capture user inputs effectively. Leveraging "empathy engine," the system analyzes user inputs based on keywords and provides recommendations from the solutions we've developed. Protopie enabled us to create a compelling demo for our Sleep Companion AI Bot.
You can view the demo here.
sleepease wireframes

Next Steps

It's always important to have a vision for the product beyond your scope. For Sleepease, we envision the following enhancements to provide our users with the sleep they deserve!

0 1

Integration to voice based input devices like Google Nest, Amazon Echo & other smart speakers to reduce phone usage.

0 2

Upgrading our Sleep Companion Engine by using AI for improved detection of tone and voice for better recommendations.

0 3

Expanding our library with more audio guides, noise therapy, music and bed-time stories for our audio Sleep Companion.

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